Discover a data-based holistic method for execs and business owners that'll transform your metabolism and body. Learn how you can heal your gut, build lean muscle and optimize your hormones for predictable weight loss without restricting your favorite foods or spending hours in the gym doing cardio. 




The premium process we use will allow us to serve you on the highest level. To begin your program properly we need to asses your strengths and areas of improvement, health history, mindset, patterns and behaviors, limiting beliefs, current food intake, body type, environmental toxics, work schedule, home life etc.. This is a key aspect to the process and gives us the opportunity to guide you in achieving your goals. We take you from where you currently are and guide you every step of the way. 


Our process is a holistic approach. Your premium custom tailored fitness plans and personalized nutrition method is for your body and specific needs. You will learn our science backed methods that'll completely change your relationship with fitness and food. We are here to make sure your training and nutrition approach is fitting into your lifestyle with ease so that you can feel and look your best without spending endless hours in the gym and yo-yo dieting. 


We truly believe for lifelong change to take place that we all need to truly learn and grow. Support and accountability is essential for this to take place so that we can create unwavering discipline and a real understanding of what you personally need for sustainable results. Premium Coaching is having an all-access pass to that support and accountability. This is everything you've needed to change for good that you've been missing doing random workouts online or even going to your trainer once a week. Private coaching gives you direct access to Mickayla with the opportunity to finally learn the strategies necessary for life changing results!


If this process sounds like what you've been missing on your health and fitness journey, I am excited for you to finally have a solution that is designed specifically for you! If you're ready to dive in and learn more about what premium coaching would look like for you click the button below to schedule your complimentary strategy call.

Hi there, I'm Mickayla!

Being a busy business owner and mom myself, I am well aware of what it takes to get into the best shape of your life while putting in 12 hour work days. 

For over a decade I've been helping elite execs, high achieving individuals that also have a full home life as a parent and CEOs to look and feel younger without them feeling deprived and frustrated. You don't need another cookie cutter fitness plan and unrealistic diets. Someone with a busy schedule and the need to perform and function at a high level needs a holistic personalized method to help them level up! Through this process I'll show you exactly what you need to eat and how to workout to get results and feel amazing.

This means realistic meals for your busy schedule and quick progressive workouts that'll give you more energy, strength and stamina for your entire workday and after.

You deserve investing in yourself and finally feeling like you are living your BEST life. I'm so grateful you are here and can't wait to be a part of your journey!




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